Hello, readers!
Welcome to Momentum - A Traceur's Journey. This blog is designed to document my progression through my development in parkour. While I do not believe I deserve the title of "Traceur" yet, I am using it as I cannot find a better word to suit the blog. I will try and post as much relevant and interesting content as possible, so that those of you are interested can keep track of my own progress as I develop further and further. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I will sharing my experiences with all of you.
Here are some of the things I plan to cover in this blog.
Training Logs - This includes descriptions, pictures, and video of the training sessions I will have with my fellow practitioner's. Different movements will be discussed, new moves I'm learning, and how I am developing in the technical aspects of parkour.
Workout Plans and Logs - When and how I'm working out, different techniques I plan to try, and the frequency of my workouts. This will include timetables and workout charts, etc.
Diet - Probably the hardest challenge for me right now is my diet. I hope to include logs of what I eat on a daily basis so I can monitor my own progress and see how well I am doing in my dietary goals. While I plan to follow a paleolithic diet, I'm sure they may be hiccups at some point along the way.
Injury Reports - A log of the bumps and bruises I acquire over time, and anything that is seriously affecting me at the present moment. I hope to train within my limits and not injure myself, but it's within the realm of possibility that there may be some things to report here.
Random Posts - This may include things such as a sweet pair of ariake's I'm buying, my newest pair of sweatpants, or how cool my dog is. I'll try and keep the posts here as relevant as possible, but it is possible I may slip up from time to time.
I'll try and keep you all entertained as much as possible.
Momentum begins now. Cheers!
This blog is a fantastic idea and a great way to share your passion while inviting feedback. Someday you could use these same skills professionally.