May 1, 2011

Weekend Training

Had a chance to go out and train on the concrete today.

Only DJ, Liam, Kenny (for an hour or two) and myself were there today, so we had fewer people than we usually do. Anyway, training started a little slow for me since it had been a while since I had been downtown and I felt very tired to begin with. After a while though things started to pick up pace and I got back more of my confidence and drive. I did a lot of rolls, precisions, lazy vaults, and wall runs today, and got myself used to the movements again. I think I need to train at least three times a week minimum and work out the other four days so my body stays limber and I don't lose any muscle memory.

After Kenny left, DJ, Liam and I went to some new spots, including one with several concrete blocks which were fantastic for drilling vaults on. I'm still working on doing kongs and monkey vaults and I'm getting closer, but they're still difficult for me for some reason. What's funny though is that I did dash vaults pretty well in the gym on Friday, but I felt nervous to do them outside. I think I need to build up some more confidence in the gym, and then I can go back to the blocks and try some more vaults (dashes, kongs, lazy's, etc.)

Another thing -- I think I'm pushing myself a little bit too hard to progress faster. Training with people who are much better than I certainly has its ups and downs. On one hand, they can show me new techniques and make sure that what I'm doing is correct. On the other hand, seeing them do flips like madmen can be a little discouraging, namely because I can't do those things, yet. Before I learn to do flips though, I want to learn the basics and learn them well. I would rather have the basic moves refined to an artform than have a wide repertoire of mediocre tricks. Still, I would like to be able to do at least one form of a flip by the end of the summer, whether it be a front, webster, back, side, gainer, whatever.

What I Ate Today
- Smoothie
- Oatmeal
- Protein Bar (x2)
- Burrito bowl thing (From Chipotle)
- Protein Shake
- Green Tea

Gonna train some more wall runs during lunch as long as the weather is warm. Hopefully I don't get yelled at again.


1 comment:

  1. you can't expect results to come so fast, just keep working hard and you'll do great! your already getting better! just keep trying. :)
