June 2, 2011

A few weeks in review

So, here's what I've been doing.

Training every Saturday downtown and going to the gym every Friday. In addition, I'm working out as much as I can and eating healthy, although I've fallen out of the habit of stretching as much as I should be.

Anyway! This Saturday is the first day I'll have good video taken of me and the guys I train with, so expect that to come up soon. Very exciting!

My skills have been progressing significantly, and I'm certain I will be able to kong considerable distances by the end of the summer.

We've been doing a lot of conditioning and flow work, as well as bar work. I can do palm spins fairly well now as well as underbars, so the basics are starting to come into my grasp more and more.

I don't have much time to write a decent post as I have a lot of work to do, seeing as I have finals next week.

Starting 6/10/11, I will no longer have to worry about school whatsoever. My life will consist of Parkour, a Job, and Oatmeal.

More to come!